Openshift engine

Documentation and installation guide to install openshift tools under a RHEL 8 environement.


  • Having a basic knowledge of linux command line interface
  • Having access to your system environment (see system install if you don't already have a compliant system)

Physical infrastructure

Physical infrastructure installation of S2I runtime mean you must be logged to a console in your system. (see provision physical OS))

Pre installation

Openshift runtime has no pre-installation tasks.


Openshift runtime has no installation tasks.

Post installation

Openshift runtime has no post-installation tasks.

Check installation

Openshift runtime has no check-installation tasks.

Virtual infrastructure

Virtual infrastructure installation of S2I runtime mean you must be logged to a console in your system. (see provision virtual OS)

Pre installation

Openshift runtime has no pre-installation tasks.


Openshift runtime has no installation tasks.

Post installation

Openshift runtime has no post-installation tasks.

Check installation

Openshift runtime has no check-installation tasks.

AWS infrastructure

We recommand using the sxcm cluster manager to rpivision and manager you Openshift cluster lifecycle (day one and two) into an AWS infrastructure (public). This is only available for Openshift 4 deployment. OCP 3 should follow the physical method.

Pre installation

Follow the sxcm installation guide to learn the requirements and how to install the scm command line.

In short, you should run

# Install the sxcm command line
source <(curl -s
# Setup you personal environment , including gitops repository aws and redhat credentials
sxcm setup


Follow the sxcm cluster lifecycle to learn how to create, configure and deploy your cluster.

In short, you should run

# Create the mycluster cluster based on the micro profile
sxcm create mycluster micro
# Deploy the current active cluster
sxcm deploy

Post installation

Following the sxcm cluster lifecycle documentation, you can access your cluster after the full procedure is done.

# connect to the active cluster
sxcm connect
# Get info (including creds) of the active cluster
sxcm info

Check installation

# connect to the active cluster
sxcm connect
# Get vital informations about the cluster
oc get nodes
oc get clusteroperator
oc get clusterversion

Test runtime

# run an application
oc project test-ocp
oc new-app --docker-image --name website-test -n test-ocp
oc get all -n test-ocp